Day that never happened.
Yesterday's plans were to get dressed get a ride from some friends then go to the Homestead Homecoming Dance... that never happened.
2pm recieve phone call from some of my ski crew down in Milwaukee, so I roll down to there, basically roaming the northside with no plan in mind, it was fun and mellow and i got some sick shots on my camera, (below)

After that we went urban scouting out in the west suburbs, filled up the jetta with snow, and hit some hand rails, unfortunately my camera battery was beat and decided not to work for this well... not so epic session, but still the first exposure to skiing in wisconsin this fall. Ya...
Anyways, back to all these High School attacks, it was reported that a man with a gun broke into a Vermont school, looking for his ex-girlfriend (a teacher). So far in the school year (since aug 1) across america there have already been 17 non fatal school shootings ( compared to 54 in TOTAL last school year). It will be intresting to see the reaction of my school especially since we all live in the same state as two of the four threats/attacks.
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